Friday, November 30, 2012

Hiroshima and Nagasaki   Peace Park
1. Click on the tab in the middle of the page that says "Peace Declaration." Use the Written Document Analysis Sheet on this document.
2. Click on the Kid's Peace Station on the left hand side. Read the story about Sadako and summarize what this story is about.
3. Take the Virtual Tour of the museum. Look at the displays and write a blog response to three things you have found. (Take three objects and write a paragraph response on your reaction to those three objects)

4. Watch one of the video's and write a blog response to what you learned from the video.  Dropping the Bomb with Interviews  Accounts of dropping the second bomb Continued from first clip- scenes of the aftermath  Why Hiroshima Clips of worst case scenario What can happen Fire Bombing prior to the A-Bomb First Atomic Blast Hiroshima Bombing

Photo's - Using the photo analysis sheet, respond to two pictures from the links below.  64 Years Ago Article Graphic Photo's Warning  Before and After Pictures


  1. I watched the video in the first link from BBC. I surprised to learn that the Japanese were not afraid of the American plane dropping the bomb. American planes passed by all the time apparently so they weren't expecting anything, especially not an atomic bomb. It was interesting that the pilots doubted that the bomb would go off. It makes me wonder how many bombs they dropped were duds. Before I had trouble imagining what 200mph winds would do to a city but the video gave me an idea of how much destruction it caused. It is frightening to think that an atomic bomb like that of so much magnitude is merely used as a detonator for today's nuclear weapons.

  2. I watched the second video which highlighted the pain and distress caused by the second Atomic bombing. I thought it was interesting that the soldiers were signing the bomb since we talked about it in class. Another interesting point is that Harry S Truman, the President of the USA at that time, gave a warning to the Japanese civilians to get out of industrial towns. The problem was that it was in English and given by the enemy. The geography of Japan also makes it difficult to go anywhere but in industrial cities. The video clip also demonstrated the hard time the Japanese army officials had with surrendering. One of them even committed Seppuku because he felt he had let down his country. Some wanted to continue fighting even though they had no chance because it would less shameful than a surrender where they would have to agree to American terms.
