Monday, October 21, 2013


A Virtual Tour of the Forbidden City - Information to guide you on your tour.Chinese Science - This site will introduce you to many famous Chinese Scientists.
The BaGua Diagram - Here you will learn how to draw the 8 basic symbols of trigrams.
17th Century Chinese Technology - View drawings and learn how to sketch the making of roof tiles and see how they accomplished brick making.
Gubgu or Pythagoras’s Theorum - See how the theroum is solved by using a grid.
Secrets of Lost Empires - China’s Bridge, China’s Age of Invention
Artifacts, Pyramids, and More.Ancient China to Modern TimesThe History of Ancient ChinaA Treasure Hunt of ChinaAn Ancient China ScrapbookMore on Ancient ChinaAn Ancient China WebquestPuzzle of the Geography of Ancient ChinaChina - geography, maps,
Geography of Ancient ChinaGeography of Ancient ChinaGeneral Information/Ancient ChinaAncient China - Confucius, The Yellow River, Yangtze River history of, the warring states of ancient China
Ancient World Explorer - A Treasure Hunt of Ancient Worlds. Joint the quest as you gather information about the ancient worlds.
A Treasure Hunt of China - Join the hunt as you find answers to questions about the richness of China’s culture.
Dragons in Ancient Chinese Culture - Learn about the importance of the dragon in China’s culture.
Dragons in Ancient China - The importance of dragons in Ancient China.
The Sultan’s Lost TreasureAncient Chinese Stories - The Empty Pot, Lon Po Po, Mr. Chang and the Yellow Robe, and more…
China Today - Take some time and explore China today. Use as a comparison of Ancient China. Last Emperor's Tomb Cultural Revolution Monkey King Monkey King Chinese New Year Fireworks Lion Dance New Year
' Cultural Revolution Cultural Revolution Yellow River Towns Suffer Yellow River China Geography New Year Chinese New Year History Channel

Larry Ferlazzo's Blog Slide Show on China BBC cool site on China CNN on China
How Stuff Works has tons of videos on China.
National Geographic has a China Guide.
National Geographic For Kids has a simpler version.
TIME For Kids has a feature on China.
Soundscape of China comes from PBS.
Check out the Great Wall here.
Yong’s China Quest adventure game is a fun interactive.
China: daily life is from the Boston Globe’s Big Picture.
Scenes From China is the tile of a series of photos from The Atlantic.

Interactive map of giant panda habitat comes from The World Wildlife Fund.
Check out the Creature Features segment on pandas from National Geographic For Kids.
National Zoo’s Panda Express is a video on the pandas’ return. It’s from CBS News.New highways threaten giant pandas is a Breaking News lesson for ELL’s.
Students can send a Panda eCard from the National Zoo, email it to themselves or a friend, and then post the url address of their creation on a student/teacher website.Learn about pandas at the San Diego Zoo.Bye-Bye, Panda is a slideshow from TIME Magazine.
Giant pandas head to China is a series of photos from the Sacramento Bee.